Rito's independent and reliable 12 year-old sister, Mikan takes care of the housework while their parents are away on business and watches after Celine. In contrast to her brother, she is very mature and does not hesitate to tease him, going as far as stating they aren't blood-related, just for a laugh. Mikan also seems to have a certain lack of respect for Rito because of this (she hardly ever addresses him by his honorific as an older brother), but does answer him "Onii-chan" as thanks for trying so hard to take care of her when she develops a fever and when he gives her a Christmas present. Mikan may not show it, but she cares very deeply for Rito and misses his company, to the point one could suspect her of having a brother complex, this more evident in the second OVA where she wondered if he would marry her if they were not blood related, and in the manga where she blushes every time another character mentions her brother. She also states how she and Rito used to play together before Lala entered their lives. It is later revealed that Mikan is terrified of thunder and lightning, though Rito would always comfort her.