Mac OS(台灣譯麥金塔操作系統)係蘋果公司嘅 Macintosh 電腦用嘅作業系統,由1984年推出到依家,多次改版。依家最新版係 OS X 10.4。
家下嘅 Mac OS X 係基於 BSD 同埋 NextStep 發展以嚟嘅,經已支持 Intel CPU、PowerPC CPU,以及 ARM CPU,而家最新嘅版本係 10.4.10。
Hikari Hanazono has always been second to Kei Takishima. When they were six years old, their pro-wrestling loving fathers introduced them to each other. Assuming that she was the best in wrestling, young Hikari challenged Kei to a wrestling match only to be thoroughly defeated by him. Ever since that fateful incident, Hikari swore to beat Kei in school grades, sporting events or any competition.
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