The term Old Testament refers to all versions and translations of the Hebrew Bible and is the first major part of the Bible used by Christians. It is usually divided by Judaism into the categories of law: Torah; prophecy: Neviim; and writings: Kethuvim (history, poetry, wisdom books); as denoted by the acronym Tanakh.
舊約係聖經嘅前半部。舊約喺記錄耶穌出生前嘅大事同埋其他經文,包括,創世紀,出谷紀,列王紀上,列王紀下, 肋未紀, 戶籍紀, 申命紀, 若蘇厄書, 民長紀, 盧德傳 撒慕爾紀上, 撒慕爾紀下, 編年紀上, 編年紀下, 厄斯德拉上, 厄斯德拉下, 多俾亞傳 友弟德傳, 艾斯德爾傳, 瑪加伯上,聖詠集,瑪加伯下, 約伯傳, 箴言, 訓道篇 雅歌, 智慧篇, 德訓篇, 依撒意亞, 耶肋米亞,哀歌, 巴路克, 厄則克耳, 達尼爾, 歐瑟亞, 岳厄爾, 亞毛斯, 亞北底亞, 約納, 米該亞, 納鴻, 哈巴谷, 索福尼亞, 哈蓋 匝加利亞 同埋瑪拉基亞。這地哋喺天主教嘅舊約。
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