鯨魚屬於鯨目(Cetacea)嘅生物,係水棲動物,大部份住喺海洋。雖然鯨魚呢個名有個魚字,但係佢地係哺乳動物,唔係魚。目前,科學分別到嘅鯨魚有大約 80 個品種。
鬚鯨亞目 Mysticeti 齒鯨亞目 Odontoceti

- 門:脊索動物門
- 綱:哺乳綱
- 目:鯨目
- 亞目:古鯨亞目(絕種)
- 亞目:古鯨亞目(絕種)
- 目:鯨目
- 綱:哺乳綱
Hikari Hanazono has always been second to Kei Takishima. When they were six years old, their pro-wrestling loving fathers introduced them to each other. Assuming that she was the best in wrestling, young Hikari challenged Kei to a wrestling match only to be thoroughly defeated by him. Ever since that fateful incident, Hikari swore to beat Kei in school grades, sporting events or any competition.
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